Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Fox is Dead.... long live the fox

This is just a short post to say that we scuttled the fox in Chattanooga, TN after pricing replacement fuel pumps... $300 for parts and no promise that it would fix the problem.

We broke down in a little town in North Carolina and then had it towed to Chattanooga so that we would have access to parts and various other modes of transportation. At 2700 miles we completed the mileage of the official babe run twice, so we let the temptation of AC take over and we rented a one way from Chattanooga to Austin via New Orleans.

The internet access has been a little sparce, but I just wanted to give a little update with more detail to follow.... indian stink eye curses, bear hunting wrecker drivers and more to follow.


Anonymous said...

Chris I love your blog!!!! Ah, so sad that "The Fox" bit the dust! You guys are hysterical! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back! Be safe!

Jennifer said...

Oh man! Sorry to hear about the Fox dying. RIP Fox!

Anonymous said...

Too bad the Fox had to be put down -- but I hope you saw Rock City and Ruby Falls while you were in my home town!

Caroline said...

Sorry to hear about the car. Hope to hear some great stories soon.